(A reflection on Phil 1:21)
A life without Christ
is a life without value.
It is He alone who frees us
from guilt and sin.
He gives us the Divine life of grace
and introduces us to communion with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
But this new life in Christ is possible
only when the old sinful self,
which leads us to perdition,
is completely dead.
Prayer: My Sweet Jesus, for You I live, and for You I die. Jesus, I am Yours in life and in death. Amen.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
God loves us abundantly!
God loves us abundantly!
He created us and the whole universe out of love and for love. Throughout all of history God has always shown us this love by His presence and guidance. The stories of the Bible are not just "stories". They are the evidence of God's unconditional love and the promise of His fidelity. They are meant to lead us to Him, to believe and trust in Him, and to live in the knowledge of His love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life." (John 3:16).
These words reassure us of God's generosity and His desire to save us. He wants us to be united to Him forever, and to live with one another in a bond of unity, love and peace.
Jesus loves us abundantly!
If He had shed only one drop of His Precious Blood, it would have been enough to save us. But He wanted to show the depth of His love for us. In obedience to His Father, Jesus shed ALL His Blood! This is the abundance of God's love! Jesus suffered the most painful and cruel death to save us. The mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, is all about LOVE - ABUNDANT LOVE! Nothing was spared. He gave all He had - for each and every one of us! No matter what circumstances and difficulties we may be facing at any time in our lives, we are never alone. The Eucharist is given to us so that we can remain united to Jesus who says, "I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, whoever believes in me will never thirst." (John 6:35)
As we conclude this "Year for Priests", let us continue to pray for our bishops, priests and deacons. They need our gratitude and encouragement. They have been chosen by God to bring Christ to our world. Let us love and support these men who are God's instruments and witnesses of hope, reconciliation and peace. May we discover anew the gift of true Presence in the Eucharist, which our priests provide for us. May we find in this Sacrament, the nourishment and strength for our daily lives, in order to experience fully, our union with our God who loves us abundantly!
Let us bring to our encounter with Jesus, present in the Holy Eucharist, all our fears, all our concerns, all our hopes, all our desires to love and be loved. Above all, let us be truly grateful for this abundant Gift of Love!!! As we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ on June 6th, we give thanks and praise to God for His abundant Love for us!!!
He created us and the whole universe out of love and for love. Throughout all of history God has always shown us this love by His presence and guidance. The stories of the Bible are not just "stories". They are the evidence of God's unconditional love and the promise of His fidelity. They are meant to lead us to Him, to believe and trust in Him, and to live in the knowledge of His love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life." (John 3:16).
These words reassure us of God's generosity and His desire to save us. He wants us to be united to Him forever, and to live with one another in a bond of unity, love and peace.
Jesus loves us abundantly!
If He had shed only one drop of His Precious Blood, it would have been enough to save us. But He wanted to show the depth of His love for us. In obedience to His Father, Jesus shed ALL His Blood! This is the abundance of God's love! Jesus suffered the most painful and cruel death to save us. The mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, is all about LOVE - ABUNDANT LOVE! Nothing was spared. He gave all He had - for each and every one of us! No matter what circumstances and difficulties we may be facing at any time in our lives, we are never alone. The Eucharist is given to us so that we can remain united to Jesus who says, "I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, whoever believes in me will never thirst." (John 6:35)
As we conclude this "Year for Priests", let us continue to pray for our bishops, priests and deacons. They need our gratitude and encouragement. They have been chosen by God to bring Christ to our world. Let us love and support these men who are God's instruments and witnesses of hope, reconciliation and peace. May we discover anew the gift of true Presence in the Eucharist, which our priests provide for us. May we find in this Sacrament, the nourishment and strength for our daily lives, in order to experience fully, our union with our God who loves us abundantly!
Let us bring to our encounter with Jesus, present in the Holy Eucharist, all our fears, all our concerns, all our hopes, all our desires to love and be loved. Above all, let us be truly grateful for this abundant Gift of Love!!! As we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ on June 6th, we give thanks and praise to God for His abundant Love for us!!!
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