Monday, February 27, 2012

Do I live my life according to God's Will?

During these 40 days of Lent - I want to walk close to Jesus...
Is walking close to Jesus enough?
As I reflect on the question, I understand that I need to walk more like Jesus.
And since Jesus did the will of the Father by surrendering himself completely...
Then, am I ready to surrender myself completely to the Father's will in my life, too?
God have mercy on me and mine today!
Help us to walk more like doing the will of God:
humbly, generously, lovingly...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Start Anew

God of compassion and forgiveness, hear my prayer this Lenten season. Grant me your grace and healing. Give me the strength to be honest about my own shortcomings and sins. Help me to renew my resolve to be a better person and start anew. Amen.

— from Rediscover Lent

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