Thursday, September 27, 2012

At Home With God

God is your Creator, Redeemer, and Advocate.
Be at home with Him,
for He lives in you...
God wants you to be so much a part of Him
that you and He can live in fellowship.

That's how it was before Adam and Eve sinned,
when they would be with God in the cool of the evening.

God wants to restore that intimacy with you...

— from Catholic and Confident

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Eternal Love

God knows all your regrets, hopes, secrets, and sins. And he loves you not in spite of all that but simply because he loves you. His love is (greater than) a mother's love, which never stops no matter how her child disappoints her.

— from Catholic and Confident

Friday, September 14, 2012

Keep Smiling

Remember that, even if you have serious health issues, your choices can have a profound effect on how you'll live—even on how long you'll live. Do what you can today that will make a positive impact. Much of the world spins far beyond our control, but we can control something—ourselves...and the way we choose to accept God's designs for our lives this day. 

— from Live Simply: Wholly Healthy

A smile - whether on your face or in your heart...can make a profound impact on your life and in the lives of others. CHOOSE LIFE! so that others may LIVE!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gift of Faith

Adored Lord, increase my faith, perfect it, crown it to your own, your choicest, dearest gift. Keep me in your fold and lead me to eternal life.
—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

— from Firmly On the Rock

For Your Marriage - Por Tu Matrimonio

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