Thursday, March 20, 2014

Failure turned success

Instead of becoming sad, demoralized and lose motivation, be a person who turns failures into learning experiences.

Why not make a list of factors related to this 'failure' or unattained goal...that are within your control?
1.- my effort 2.- preparation 3.- planning 4.- other approaches to take, etc...

In this way, not only will you learn to adapt to circumstances (which may be 'beyond' your control)...You will also learn new ways of finding 'the good' in all situations. You will continue to uncover the true dignity and worth that lies within you.

Remember: you are made in the image of God...that in itself is a great success in your life, already!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A married man as saint

Blessed Ceferino Gimenez Malla was a married layman from Spain. Ceferino and his wife Teresa had no children of their own but adopted Teresa’s niece. Ceferino had a reputation for holiness and died defending a Catholic priest from soldiers. Find out more about this man's life at: Blessed Ceferino Gimenez Malla 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Praying for Pope Francis

Today we celebrate one year in the life of Pope Francis as pope...
It was one year ago today, that he became Pope Francis (Papa Francisco).
May the Lord continue to bless him.
May we become a more united Church under his leadership.
May we continue to grow in Faith, Hope and Love.

God bless Pope Francis!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

In Times of Trial...

Lord Jesus, you came to live among your people to experience all that we experience, so that no matter what our trials may be, you would understand. Yet you came not only to bring us compassion, but far more importantly, you came to bring us healing.

The prophet Isaiah wrote of you: "Ours were the sufferings he bore; ours the sorrows he carried."

Our trials, as well as our sins, you carried to the cross and through the cross to Resurrection.

I now take refuge in your loving heart and I give over to you...all my anxiety.
I believe you will take care of me and all who put their trust in you. I thank you for your care.

"Cast all your anxiety on him, for he cares for you..." (1 Peter 5:7)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Are we ready to listen?

Noise is in the air...
Noise is almost everywhere...

Some noise can be good...
Some noise is not so good...

Do I recognize the difference?
Do I contribute to the noise in a good way?
Do I remain silent?

Am I ready to listen?
Do I want to listen?
How can my listening be good?

In the presence of life...
I'm in awe, and ready to listen.
Will you please listen to my little voice, too?

For Your Marriage - Por Tu Matrimonio

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