Thursday, August 14, 2014

What if pain is in the PRESENT moment?

Today, a friend died. This is a cause for much sorrow and pain...
How can I be grateful? How can I survive the agony of grief?

Today, my house was flooded, and we lost many precious little family treasures...
How do we stay calm and serene in spite of the stress of such material loss?
How do we gain the strength and courage to face the 'clean-up' that lies ahead?

Today, my aging body aches all over...
My knees are swollen from head is hurting from sinus congestion...I can hardly get around much anymore...How do I give thanks for the miracle of life? I am breathing...I'm still able to give thanks for all that I feel and experience this day.

As I look out the window, I see sunshine. There is warmth and light in the air...Hope fills my spirit as I breathe in (inhale) the 'good' (the oxygen and the Holy Spirit)...and I remember to breathe out (exhale) the nasty stuff in my lungs (carbon dioxide, anxiety, fear, impatience with self and others...)

Life is worth living to the max! The good, the bad, and the ugly...It all makes us ALIVE...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Be present! Ways to be living in the moment...

How can I be really PRESENT to each moment lived?

1- Be grateful. (Is the glass "half empty or half full"?)
2- Be intentional. (say "hello nice day!" to people you meet...and mean it! The good comes right back at ya!) ("Don't worry, be happy" This really works!)
3- Be still (like a child who is looking at life for the first time...)
4- Take your time along the way...Schedules and agenda-keeping can wait! Let an impromptu/unplanned moment linger...When did you notice a beautiful sunset on your way home from work - while you sit in traffic!
5- Breathe it in! The good in each moment slips away when we fail to be truly present. For good or not-so-good...each moment brings an opportunity for a life fully lived! Intensity may vary. The main ingredient to being fully alive: is to be fully present!

What if pain is in the PRESENT moment?
I'll tell you more in my next post!

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