Diocese of Kalamazoo announces student contest winners
“The Family Fully Alive”
Winners of the inaugural student contest, “The Family Fully Alive”, have been chosen by a panel of diocesan judges. The contest was launched last fall to encourage students in both Catholic schools and religious education programs to explore the topic, “how is my family fully alive in the faith” through a variety of art mediums from painting, drawing, writing, music or video. Entries were received both locally and nationally. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, Coldwater; Holy Angels Parish (Religious Education Program), Sturgis; and Lake Michigan Catholic Elementary School, St. Joseph; were honored and will also receive awards for having submitted the most (local) entries.
Winners receive a monetary scholarship award donated by the Michigan Knights of Columbus and an official Diocese of Kalamazoo award signed by +Bishop Paul Bradley. Visit the diocesan website, diokzoo.org-student-contest winners, for a full list of winners.
Kalamazoo and National Student Contest Winners
ART Division 1 (Grades 4-8):
1st Place WINNER: “Alive and Filled with the Spirit” by Maxine Poage, 8th grade, St. Monica School, Kalamazoo, MI
1st Place WINNER: “Faith Collage” by Serena Fontecchio, 7th grade, St. Joseph Parish, Downingtown, PA
HONORABLE MENTION: “My Family Fully Alive Praying the Rosary” by Isabelle Shea, 5th grade, St. Margaret Parish, Otsego, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “Faith” by Tania Lizzette Villegas, 6th grade, St. Basil Catholic School, South Haven, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “Mi Familia” by Joselin Yarel Reyes, 3rd-4th grades, Holy Angels Parish, Sturgis, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “Family Alive” by Fernanda Garcia, 4th grade, Holy Angels Parish, Sturgis, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “The Family Fully Alive: Actions Spread the Message” by Xin Wei Pei (Elva), 7th grade, The OLC School, Jersey City, NJ
HONORABLE MENTION: “My Family Fully Alive” by Chanelle Jimenez, Mother Seton School, Union City, NJ
HONORABLE MENTION: “Family that Prays Together…Stays Together” by Anita Damodar-Desloire, 5th grade, The OLC School, Jersey City, NJ
WRITING Division 1 (Grades 4-8):
1st Place WINNER: “My Family is Fully Alive in the Faith” by Kathryn Wertheimer, 7th grade, St. Basil Catholic School, South Haven, MI
1st Place WINNER: “My Faith Alive in the Arts” (poem) by Joshua Schutte, 8th grade, Emmanuel Parish, Beaver Creek, OH
HONORABLE MENTION: “The Family Fully Alive” (poem) by Ashleigh Cotter, 7th grade, St. Michael School, Cranford, NJ
MUSIC Division 1 (Grades 4-8):
HONORABLE MENTION: “We’re All About the Mass” by Lucy Arbanas, 7th grade, St. Basil Catholic School, South Haven, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “The Christian Family Fully Alive” by Scarlett Caballero, 5th grade, Mother Seton School, Union City, NJ
HONORABLE MENTION: “Family Time = Together Time” by Michelle Pichardo, Saint Peter’s School, Belleville, NJ
VIDEO Division 1 (Grades 4-8):
1st Place WINNER: "My Catholic Family" by Samantha Ochoa, 5th grade, Mother Seton School, Union City, NJ
HONORABLE MENTION: “Faith in My Family” by Daniel Sanchez, 5th grade, Mother Seton School, Union City, NJ
WRITING Division 2 (Grades 9-12):
1st Place WINNER: “My Family Fully Alive” by Amanda Lawrence, 11th grade, Hackett Catholic Prep, Kalamazoo, MI
1st Place WINNER: “In Faith and Family” by Molly Schutte, 12th grade, Emmanuel Catholic Church, Dayton, OH
HONORABLE MENTION: “Fully Alive: Fighting for the Kingdom” by Ian Poage, 11th grade, Hackett Catholic Prep, Kalamazoo, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “My Family Fully Alive in the Faith” by Caroline Yapp, 11th grade, Hackett Catholic Prep, Kalamazoo, MI
HONORABLE MENTION: “My Family Fully Alive” by Matt Mancuso, 11th grade, Hackett Catholic Prep, Kalamazoo, MI