Friday, March 13, 2009

Patience: Lesson number 2

The hardest of these is patience.

- counting to 10 or 100
- taking a deep breath
- ‘offering up’ in prayer or penance

Whatever action will help us to physically calm us down, and mentally hold back anything that is not of Love, allowing for a spiritual composure.

If we only remind ourselves that nothing surrounding our worldly existence is of any real lasting concern (including our bodies with or without vigor). These are all confinements to the soul. If we learn to recognize that nothing is ever worth concerning ourselves over in haste (if not for the love of God, and to carry in haste His love to others).

Prayer: Lord, help us to live with an ever vigilant awareness, being “watchful with all perseverance and supplication” (Eph 6:18)

1 comment:

  1. Lord, give us the patience in everything. Agreed.


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