Prayer: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in us the fire of your love.” In particular, help me to break open the Word of God as it relates to the Book of Life, so that I may recognize God speaking to me, and be able to have a clear understanding of what God wishes for me to write in this reflection, and also, in all that I do in my life; so that everything will always be directed for the Glory of God in all his triune majesty. Amen.”
Having read from the Bible the stories of Creation and the life of the first Jewish people, the firstborn of God, I come to recognize how God always wishes to remain close to His children as all good fathers tend to do. His children, on the other hand, and mostly due to the sinful precondition of man (a fallen race in Adam) are always turning away in disobedience and distrust. God still waits for us to return to Him. In an infinitely patient way, God continues to guide His children throughout every step of our history, in the persons of the chosen ones who freely submit to the will of the LORD.
In saying yes to God, we acknowledge our fallen condition, our misery and our nothingness without Him. But, in order to receive the blessings from the LORD for a life well-lived, we are to pray, pray, pray. As our prayer from the heart rises to the Father, and we wait, God’s glory shines wondrously in all the events that unfold – for the LORD’s ways are not the ways of man.
This happened to Hannah when she prayed to the LORD in sorrow because she was barren, and wanted a son so desperately. God remembers her and gives her a son, Samuel. She glorifies the LORD in a beautiful prayer that foreshadows the prayer of Mary in the Magnificat. In the same way, God remembers each and every one of His created as we pray for His mercy and help.
God continually reminds us of two things: that there is no other God (“I am the only LORD”) and that we should not fear (“be not afraid”). To those who believed (believe) in the goodness of the LORD, and walked (walk) in His ways, were (are) always gratefully offering holocausts and/or singing praises to God for His majesty, which was (is) clearly manifested by the countless miracles that were (are) seen. However, to those who did (do) not believe and turned (turn) away from God in order to follow the way of what was (is) seen with the eyes of the flesh; the consequences that followed (follow) were (are) doom and despair and finally death in the spirit. For our God is a jealous God.
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