Blessed are the merciful, for mercy will be theirs... (Mt 5:7)
Have we forgiven our neighbor today?
Have we been patient with our spouse? our parent?
our child? our brother? our sister?
Showing mercy to others means to forgive those closest to us, our family.
Many times, it is easier to practice patience and show mercy to those outside the home.
Are we being true to the call to be merciful?
Only when we are true in showing mercy from the heart...
will the Father be merciful to us.
Have I asked the Father to give me the grace to be merciful today?
It is in the asking with a sincere and humble heart...
that we receive in overabundance.
For the Father, with the Son and through the Holy Spirit,
is infinitely generous and kind to those who seek Him
with a sincere and humbled heart (intention).
Prayer: God of goodness, enlarge my heart with Your merciful love. Let the miracle of Your mercy shine through me for Your honor and glory. Amen.
Socorro...Your words are anointed! The Lord has gifted you with an "enlarged heart!" Thank you for the vehicle that is your blog on the Beatitudes, to take us to a new depth of love and desire to forgive, as well as seek it in humility!