Friday, December 28, 2012

Love in my real

We just celebrated the "feast of the Holy Family"...
Yesterday, we also celebrated the wedding anniversary of a couple who would be destined to share the LOVE of God with their own little "holy family" (the Acosta-Nava family)...

Where has this LOVE gone?
Do we remember to be kind and considerate of one another as we are born, live and grow within our own little holy families on earth?

Are we loving?
Are we taking the time (YES. This is an important precious commodity nowadays...) to be PRESENT and to LOVE one another?

I want to remember 2012 as a year when LOVE re-ignited in the hearts of the American people...When LOVE rescued us from the snares of darkness and despair...When LOVE continues to seek-and-find us wherever we think we are hiding-alone...

Pray, pray, pray...LOVE is growing!!!
Be ready to see what 2013 will bring - when LOVE grows...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Presence of the Prince of Peace...

We invite the presence of the Prince of Peace...into our hearts
We ask the Prince of Peace to bless our world with peace...
to bless the poor in spirit, to be needy of Him at all times...
to bless the despairing hearts with Hope and constancy in prayer...

May those who grieve be comforted with His Joy and the promise of eternal life...
May the oppressed be lifted in freedom and justice...
May those who still granted consolation and the wisdom of knowing the true union with the One who bears all pain and sorrow ahead of us all -
The one and only - Prince of Peace and Love!
Our beloved King of kings, and Lord of lords...
Jesus, the Christ!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be Not Afraid

Lord, I wait for you. In the deep of this winter season come to me. Assure me that your strength is my own: Your courage inspires me to be unafraid. Your light will warm and lead me on. Amen.

— from Sharing the Word

Thursday, December 6, 2012

To You o Lord I lift up my soul...

To You o Lord I lift up my aging body...
To You o Lord I lift up my self...
I surrender all to You, o Lord.

In You, my God, I trust.
Have mercy on me and my family...
Especially during this holy season of Advent,
keep us close to Your loving heart.

The only place for me and mine
is in Your heart!!!
Teach us the way to this peaceful place.
Guard us from the enemy.
This is enough for me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Prayer is a Gift

Prayer is best thought of as a gift of our faith, rather than a requirement of it. We will all experience loss, even abandonment, at some point in our lives. But we know that God is there, waiting to help us make sense of it all, to come through the fire better and stronger than we were before.

— from A Mary Christmas

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sharing Jesus

If we consider all that God has done for us in the past, we might begin to understand that there is nothing we haven't been given. And once we know we have it all, it's only natural to want to share that with others. This Christmas, bring that little bit of Jesus you carry in your heart wherever he directs you.

— from A Mary Christmas

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ask whatever you will, and it will be done...John 15:7

We know that when we live in the Lord, and think as he thinks, and are guided by his word...we are "spiritual" persons who let nothing alter our innermost peace (the place of predilection for our Lord and King is our hearts...)

So, whatever we ask for ...we will receive - since it is "according to God's will"

I've learned to order my life according to God's will for me...always following my GPS (God's Providential Steering).

Have you checked your GPS today?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Keep Me Focused, Lord

Time is what I pray about most.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the preciousness of time.
I only have so much of it allotted to me, and there are no reruns.
I have to be busy attending to my Father's work before the sand in my hourglass runs out.

— from Envoy for Christ

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Providing for Others

Lord, we long to serve you and to provide for those persons entrusted to our care. Give us the strength and confidence to continue along the path you have prepared for us, and help us find the means to support ourselves.

— from The Blessing Cup

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Living with Challenges...

One of the best ways to cope with or live through healthy challenges is through the gift of our faith, weaving spirituality and prayer...through the fabric of our health.

Sometimes the best medicine doesn't come from the earthly doctor.
The main Doctor gives the best prescription - for LIFE!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Prayer a Priority

We want to be healed and fueled by prayer.
To pray well and maturely, schedule a special,
nonnegotiable daily appointment with God.
It is a time to praise him,
thank him,
and listen to him—
to be open to what God
wants to whisper
into the depths of your heart and soul.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pray Every Day...

Pray every day—giving God quality time, not a moment here and there, sandwiched between e-mails and phone calls and work and play. Have a daily date with God, a time that is sacred to you and Him. Let nothing except a real emergency deny you that time with God.

— from Catholic and Confident

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Greatest Goal

What is the greatest “fruit” that a follower and friend of Jesus could bear, the greatest work he or she could do? To help others attain eternal salvation!

— from Jesus: What Catholics Believe

Friday, November 2, 2012

We remember our departed loved ones...

Friday, November 02, 2012
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Today should be like any other day in that we are living the gift of life...

However, in particular, we honor, remember and celebrate the gift of the presence (in our lives) of our departed family, friends and loved ones.

I miss my dear mother and father, very much...
I pray for them, and with them every day...
I praise the Lord for the precious gift they have been to me...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Living Examples

Because we have had our own share of pain, we gain credibility with those who still suffer. We offer hope in a way that those whose lives have been untouched by pain cannot. We become living examples that heartache, broken relationships, physical pain, and grief are not insurmountable with the help of God.

— from Fools, Liars, Cheaters, and Other Bible Heroes

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In Our Best Interest

In God's great love for us he does not give us all we ask. He tempers the love he has for us with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of what is in our best interest even—or especially—when we cannot see it ourselves.

— from Wrapped Up

Monday, October 1, 2012

"Little Flower"

"I prefer the monotony of obscure sacrifice to all ecstasies. To pick up a pin for love can convert a soul."

These are the words of Theresa of the Child Jesus, a Carmelite nun called the "Little Flower" who lived a cloistered life of obscurity in the convent of Lisieux, France. [In French-speaking areas, she is known as Thérèse of Lisieux.]

And her preference for hidden sacrifice did indeed convert souls. Few saints of God are more popular than this young nun. Her autobiography, The Story of a Soul, is read and loved throughout the world. Thérèse Martin entered the convent at the age of 15 and died in 1897 at the age of 24.

And shortly before she died, she wrote: "I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth."

On October 19, 1997, Pope John Paul II proclaimed her a Doctor of the Church, the third woman to be so recognized in light of her holiness and the influence of her teaching on spirituality in the Church.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

At Home With God

God is your Creator, Redeemer, and Advocate.
Be at home with Him,
for He lives in you...
God wants you to be so much a part of Him
that you and He can live in fellowship.

That's how it was before Adam and Eve sinned,
when they would be with God in the cool of the evening.

God wants to restore that intimacy with you...

— from Catholic and Confident

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Eternal Love

God knows all your regrets, hopes, secrets, and sins. And he loves you not in spite of all that but simply because he loves you. His love is (greater than) a mother's love, which never stops no matter how her child disappoints her.

— from Catholic and Confident

Friday, September 14, 2012

Keep Smiling

Remember that, even if you have serious health issues, your choices can have a profound effect on how you'll live—even on how long you'll live. Do what you can today that will make a positive impact. Much of the world spins far beyond our control, but we can control something—ourselves...and the way we choose to accept God's designs for our lives this day. 

— from Live Simply: Wholly Healthy

A smile - whether on your face or in your heart...can make a profound impact on your life and in the lives of others. CHOOSE LIFE! so that others may LIVE!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gift of Faith

Adored Lord, increase my faith, perfect it, crown it to your own, your choicest, dearest gift. Keep me in your fold and lead me to eternal life.
—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

— from Firmly On the Rock

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Do we love as He loves?

Now that I experience Jesus's presence in my life,
I want to live not only for him but in him.
Living in him gives me a share in his wisdom, love, and power—to know as he knows, to love as he loves, to give my life to and for the kingdom of God.

— from Catholic and Confident

Monday, August 20, 2012

Worthy of Love

We don't have to struggle to make ourselves great. It doesn't work. But we will be built up as we recognize that we have value in spite of our weaknesses. We are worthy of love simply because we are God's creation.

— from Fools, Liars, Cheaters, and Other Bible Heroes

Friday, August 10, 2012

Is my way pleasing to God?

Sometimes I know that I behave in a stubborn "my way-or-the-highway" manner...Is this what God requires of me? Is God's invitation to Love others as He loves me...the best and only way? Absolutely!

Why then, am I this way? When I am honestly committing my way to the Lord...
When I place my complete trust in Him...when I humble myself like a child: "not-my-way-but the Lord's" ...The Lord will act and make everything work for my good...every-single-time!
Wow! Is this so hard to believe?

My prayer: Lord, guide me in everything this day. Please grant that I may always follow the way of Your Divine will...whatever the price. Amen.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Spiritual Growth

Each day we get up in the morning and choose to love better than we did the previous day. This is growth in the spiritual life.

— from Hiking the Camino

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Art of Love

Is it enough to say:

What makes us LOVE as God loves?

Though by nature we are created by Love and in love...
Though our hearts are made for loving...
and our yearning for love is deep within...

our dispositions lead us to choose the emptiness of distorted views of love:
success, prestige, sex, money, power, etc...

The artist contemplates...before he creates
a given work of art...

We must also first contemplate
the beauty of our beloved Crucified...
where we will learn the art of true LOVE.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pure Gift is...

Jesus invites us to unite all we are to him, to go to him with everything. When we are able to give him everything, our talent, our heart, and especially the junk we carry, he is able to radically change us. This is pure gift.

— from Hiking the Camino

Monday, July 30, 2012

Strengthening Marriages and Families...

The National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers or NACFLM in the United States, sponsored their annual conference with a two-day Hispanic/Spanish Tract this year. It was an awesome experience for all participants.

THANK YOU!!! Gracias!!!

We were able to experience the richness and wealth in our unique cultural backgrounds and diversity...while at the same time, affirming and strengthening our common bond in ministering to marriages and families. Whatever our culture/language of birth and childhood formation...we are all still united in ONE family in Christ.

Offer It Up

God invites us to offer him everything—everything! There are many opportunities in our day for grace, but so often we miss them by whining and complaining.

— from Hiking the Camino

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What is divine providence?

What is divine providence?
Sometimes I think of divine providence as my GPS (God's Providential Steering)...

God has loved me into existence, and this love governs every moment and action of my life. This constant, all-encompassing care is Divine Providence.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (noted as CCC) refers to divine providence as the dispositions by which God guides us, his creatures, with wisdom and love to our ultimate end - our perfection (see CCC 302 and 321). It says that "the solicitude of divine providence is concrete and immediate; God cares for ALL, from the least things to the great events of the world and its history" (CCC 303).

God knows all my worries, my troubles, my nagging concerns big and small, my challenges, my struggles, my phobias...Nothing is beyond the reach of his loving, tender and infallible protectorship. What an awesome thought...and what great consolation this is to me...especially when I am at my weakest...God is strong! As long as I surrender all of myself to divine providence, and labor only to follow God 's will; then all will be well.

Am I following my GPS today?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Positive Self-Worth

The more we focus on what God's plan for us might be, the less we need to concern ourselves with other people's reactions. Our self-worth is not dependent on other people's opinions of us. No one else has the power to make us better or worse than we are.

— from Fools, Liars, Cheaters, and Other Bible Heroes

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Radiate Truth

"The renewal of the Church is also achieved through the witness offered by the lives of believers: by their very existence in the world, Christians are called to radiate the word of truth that the Lord Jesus left us."

— from
 Catholic and Confident

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being in the present moment…

When we communicate with each other from this “real” experience of presence, we are able to expand our identity to one that is more spiritually unified with the world around us. We can be in a sense; freer to be who we really are at any given moment.
Frustrations readily disappear from our present moment when we focus on just being in each other’s presence – as a gift, from God. It is when we begin to alter our impressions with the “what ifs” or the “could’ve” or “should’ve” or “hidden agendas” racing through our minds, that we no longer are surrendered to the gift of the present moment.

So, how do we remain tuned-in to this present moment, at all times?

When we turn our focus away from controlling the outcome, we tend to be more relaxed, open and feel more loving – even when things don’t go our way. Presence brings us into a state of harmony and unity with the rest of life. When we are simply (and authentically) present, we tend to become less concerned in our self-image or who we think we are.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Is this my daily aspiration?

"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord' and do not practice what I say?" - Luke 6:46

It is of no value if we confess Jesus only with our lips...(giving Him 'lip-service') because He knows the intention in our heart...So, this being said, we must also live our lives according to His word and example. Jesus does not wish any external homage, but the fulfillment of His Father's will.

Is this my daily aspiration?
Prayer: My Beloved Savior, grant me the deep conviction that there is only one way to go to the Father: the fulfillment of His holy will! Amen!

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to make our lives truly G-R-E-A-T

Do not dwell on ambitious projects, but carry out even the lowliest tasks... -Rom 12:16
If we live our lives waiting for the time when we may accomplish great things...most likely, we will only be wasting our time and on the fringe of life...

Reality in our daily lives is made up of a thousand and more little things or lowly tasks. We need to do our little tasks seriously and with heart...because this is the only right way to make our lives truly G-R-E-A-T (in line with our GPS: God's Providential Steering in our hearts...).

My prayer for today: Lord, give me Your G-R-E-A-T love. Then the honor I give You daily will also be G-R-E-A-T...Amen!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Leave it Behind

This is conversion in the gospel: leaving everything behind for the sake of the kingdom—that is, Jesus himself—leaving everything behind to possess the One who is Everything!

— from Sober Intoxication of the Spirit

Friday, May 25, 2012

Balancing Act

I attempt the difficult balancing act of loving that intellectual part of myself while putting it in its proper place. I don't want my smartness and cool intellect to overwhelm the caring part of me.

— from Healing Troubled Hearts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In Good Times and Bad

Today, look around you, and find God in both good news and bad news, in the obvious and in the hardships. The hardships just might exist as a way to draw your hearts closer to Him.

— from Ask the Bible Geek

Ven, Espíritu Santo

In time for our Day of Pentecost...I share the following article in Spanish. It is also in English.
Ven, Espíritu Santo

Friday, May 18, 2012

Shine Through Me...

The presence of Jesus among us is just that—a widespread presence among all of God's people. We are able to embed the wonders of the presence of God within us. Each of us can and must be the “Jesus Presence” in this world around us.

— from Eucharistic Adoration

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The gift of a daughter...

When our daughter was born...
the world around us became brighter!
The sun shined stronger,
the sky was bluer,
the day was longer...
For a moment,
Life stood still...
as if God was lighting up His beautiful created world to say to us - her parents -
this precious one is unique and special...
Make sure to guide her on the bright path of virtue and truth...
Angelina has changed our lives as a family. Her boldness and way of living has inspired me to be a more valiant person...
I thank God this day for the gift of our daughter... A bright and shining light in my life!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May our dear Lord bestow many, many blessings upon you this day (and every day...) Love you more, Mom (and Dad)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome Silence

Most of us are very uncomfortable with silence. But you must have some quiet in your life in order to be attuned to what the Holy Spirit is doing and to be able to recognize God's voice when He speaks to you. Get comfortable with silence and start to pray, because it can change your life.

— from Moved by Faith

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do you know how to strengthen your spiritual life?

in a family...
"where two or more are gathered in His name...God is strengthen..."

Monday, May 7, 2012

How much do I love thee child?

How much do I love thee child?
I will open my arms and show you just how much...
Jesus tells me this as he stretches out his arms, and gives up his life on the Cross...for me!

When I think of a mother stretching out her arms for her children..I think of Mary and all the times she has appeared to children all over the world - with open arms - inviting them (and us) to pray, pray, pray...and to do as her son Jesus, asks us to do..."Love one I love you..."

I'm also reminded of a time when I tried to hold my three little squirming nieces and nephew...when I wanted to pose for a candid photo. Yikes! That was not the best idea at the time, because with little ones there is little time for tranquil "posing"...the lively children want to be moving all the time (unless they are sleeping). How does a loving mother hold her precious ones safely in her arms at all times; when all the children want to do, is run in all directions?

We learn and teach obedience...We first learn to obey as a child who seeks to please mom and dad...
When we obey (as good little children do) we learn discipline, and how to make wise choices in life.

Today I wish to honor mothers everywhere. How special it is to be called mother...Whether we are a mother by nature or a mother in spirit (that includes every woman)...we are called to hold all God's precious children in our arms...from the first moment of life in the womb...until we give them back to God the Father in natural death.

Pray with me for all mothers and their children...May God's love embrace us all in His almighty arms!!! Amen.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Making Love Visible

God sends us brothers and sisters who are—or at least are called to be—warm, supportive, comforting. They make God's love visible—the ones still with us and those who have gone ahead.

— from Saint Anthony of Padua

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In honor of a hero ...and a son

Happy Birthday to Robert!!!
In thanksgiving for the gift of life...

we give praise and glory to God...

22 years ago today,

God gifted us with the birth of our son, Robert.
May the Lord continue to bless, guide and protect Robert...
as he lives out the challenges of his life - in service to God, his fellowman and his country.

my son Robert...

Happy Birthday to you today!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

St. Joseph the Worker

In the ordinary circumstances of life...
In doing our little tasks and working-for-a-living moments...
In the simplest ways we find holiness of life.

Let us follow along according to God's loving plan for us this day, and every day.
St. Joseph the worker shows us how to do our work
(whatever this good work may be)
and do it out of love for our families...and for God!
St. Joseph, pray for us...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrating a birthday...

Today, I'm celebrating my mother's birthday...
the most significant celebration is the gift of LIFE!!!

Will you join me in my song?
will you be part of this joy?
In turn, I will pray for your mother, too...

A mother's birthday...
how precious the gift of my mother's birth.
The day she was born
all the birds were singing
the sun was shining brightly
the day was warm and inviting...

Please keep my mother close to your Sacred Heart, Lord

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Forgive and Forget

Part of the forgiveness process is being able to forget. If you continue to struggle with a particular incident, just take it to prayer and ask God to give you the grace to forgive as he forgives.

— from Marriage 911

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Test of Fire...Are you ready?

Novena Prayer to Saint Gianna

2012 marks the 50th anniversary of her death
Special Novena - April 19-28
Lord God,
Through your Son Jesus Christ
You have destroyed death
And have made us the People of Life.

We thank you for the example of the saints
Whose lives reflect your own holiness
And the profound dignity of human life.

Thank you in particular for the example
of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla.
She is truly a saint for our times,
Whom you called from this world just 50 years ago.
Thank you for her example of being a loving wife,
A devoted mother, a caring physician, and a
woman of Catholic action.

Thank you for the crowning act of her life,
By which she sacrificed her life for that of her child.
May her example inspire all of us
To lay down our lives for one another,
Especially for our unborn brothers and sisters,
And hence to both discover and proclaim
The very meaning of love.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life before birth - you are a miracle

Did you know that during week one of your life before birth your mother's womb turned from a calm scene into a show of amazing growth and development over the next nine months.

Always remember, you are a miracle!!!
Life After 40 is an educational program highlighting weekly fetal development facts during 40 weeks of pregnancy.

A video and more information is available at 

Abandon Yourself to Him

Do good insofar as it is good in itself and insofar as it gives glory and pleasure to God.

— from Padre Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Are you a "lukewarm" soul...?

9th day of the Divine Mercy novena...
Pray, pray, pray...
Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday...
there is hope for us all - if only we believe in God's Great Gift of Divine Mercy.

Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself.
I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart.
In the fire of Your pure love let these tepid souls, who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Take not be afraid!

Jesus said..."Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!" Alleluia! (Mk 6:50)

Though this daily walk seems arduous and most difficult at times...
We are reassured by Jesus (himself having suffered in human flesh)
that he is no stranger to our walk.

We must never fear to approach him in our daily struggles...
Jesus need not sympathize with our weaknesses,
because he has already walked this way for us...
He has already been through our most painful times, and then some...

So, what are we waiting for?
This is the time of hope.
This is the time when we can (and must) turn ourselves over to our Beloved...
Let Jesus dispose of us as he well pleases.
God will do great things in us...if only we believe!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We are truly blessed...

All of us (human beings) yearn for life "to the full".
We are truly blessed because we have been given food from heaven.
Yes! the food from heaven and the water "of life" is poured out at the Easter sacraments of
Baptism and Holy Eucharist.
What blessed and favored souls are we! ...that God our Father should send His only Son Jesus...
to leave us these precious gifts of life for the constant/daily nourishing of our souls...

Join me in praying always that we come to know Christ (better and more profoundly...)
through these signs of His redemptive presence in our midst. Aleluya! Aleluia!! Alleluia!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Hour of Great Mercy...

From the diary of a young Polish nun, a special devotion began spreading throughout the world in the 1930s. The message is nothing new, but is a reminder of what the Church has always taught through scripture and tradition: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. But in the Divine Mercy devotion, the message takes on a powerful new focus, calling people to a deeper understanding that God’s love is unlimited and available to everyone — especially the greatest sinners.

The message of mercy is that God loves us — all of us — no matter how great our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy.

Daily remembrance of the Divine Mercy at the hour of Christ's death… As often as you hear the clock strike the third hour immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring and glorifying it, invoke it's omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for poor sinners, for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul. In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking; it was the hour of grace for the whole world - mercy triumphed over justice.

a powerful prayer...

the Chaplet of Mercy is a powerful prayer...most especially in these days (prayed as a novena - for nine consecutive days) before Mercy Sunday (coming up this week!)

Today is the fifth day of the novena - when we bring to God's infinite Mercy those souls who have separated themselves from the Church...God knows how to bring these "lost sheep" back into his fold.

Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your Light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy...

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon these souls, separated from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Stay Calm...

Remember never to become distressed
by any adverse thing that happens,
knowing that distress
is an impediment to the Holy Spirit.

— from Padre Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day

Stay Calm...Live tranquil lives...
giving our cares and worries to the Good Shepherd...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I feel alive and free...

I feel alive and free to be all that I am called to be...thanks to the gift of my beloved Jesus.

I raise my hands
in worship and praise
to the One who gives us the HOPE
in His resurrection...

I wish to be one with my beloved every moment of my life from this day forward. Amen!

He is risen! ¡Resucitó!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Vigil continues...Awaiting the New Light...

On Holy Saturday we, the Church, wait at the Lord's tomb, meditating on his suffering and death. The altar is left bare, and the sacrifice of the Mass is not celebrated. Only after the solemn vigil during the night, held in anticipation of the resurrection, does the Easter celebration begin, with a spirit of JOY and thanksgiving - that overflows into the following period of fifty days.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

As the Holy Triduum begins...

We pray, pray, pray...
we pray for LOVE to enter our heart
we pray for COURAGE to walk in the LIGHT
we pray for FAITH to deepen our belief...

May God give us what we need to be true followers of His Son these days, and may we always walk in His ways, unafraid...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Am I ready to bear patiently...?

The more I am willing to accept my trials and tribulations as consolations... (though this makes no sense to those who do not yet know the great love of God for them...)

...the more sweetly I will be able to receive the graces at Easter. It is only in my willingness to surrender myself totally...and the will of God in my life (especially during these holiest days ahead...) that I will find JOY at the resurrection of my Beloved Lord of lords and King of kings...

All I ask is this: Abba, Father, please fill my heart with Your Love...and this is enough for me. For with the infinite Love in my heart, I will have the graces necessary to bear all things in Your sweet Son's name, Jesus! Amen!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hosanna! the King has come!!!

This day is Palm Sunday.
We celebrate with shouts of joy and praise...

The King has come!

Jesus is the King...the Messiah...
Jesus arrives on a donkey

to shouts of joy and songs of praise!

Are you singing and praising God today?
Are you preparing the place in your heart?
The place in your heart for the King of kings?

I invite you to join me in shouts of joy and praise...
Today, together, let us sing to the King of kings:
Hosanna! The King has come!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today, a day for prayer and fasting

Today, March 30th is a particular day for prayer and fasting...
Why today only? Why not every day or at least one-day-a-week - for those who have plenty to eat and seldom make time to pray...?

Do we know what it means to "fast" in this country of material wealth and surplus?
Do we know what it is to "not have" something for the sake of something greater?
Do we know how to pray to our heavenly Father? Do we make time to pray?
Do we know what it is to have a relationship with God, and have a conversation with Him on a daily basis?

Like a child who wants a quick snack when hunger pangs begin to stir inside his little stomach...and dinner is not quite ready yet...mother or father would say to the child to wait a little longer for the hunger to be satisfied. Do you think  this child will know how to wait?

If, instead, the mother or father gives-in to the child's cries and provides the quick snack (in order to stop the child from crying or making a spectacle in public)...
Has this child learned to wait for the better part still to come?

On the contrary, this child will no longer be hungry for the good and healthy food prepared for the children at the family table.

As the parents (role models) we too must be patient and "hunger" for the good and healthy food provided by our heavenly Father...
"Hunger" for justice and peace...
"Hunger" for what is healthy and good for our formation...(an everlasting hungering for the ultimate satisfaction culminating in total union with the One...)

We pray to the Father...we ask for what is just and right...we ask for what is good and healthy for us and for our brothers and sisters in this this world.

Let us hunger today...and as we fast/hunger...let us be united in prayer each and every day...for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prayer for pregnant women

Heavenly Father, cover your pregnant daughters with your amazing love:

    • Protect their sons and daughters in the womb from all harm.
    • Guide women struggling with issues of their pregnancy to caring counselors.
    • Comfort women lacking family support and close friends.
    • Provide women prenatal care, safe delivery, affordable housing, and financial resources.
    • Fill your daughters with joy on choosing the gift of life for their child.
    • Bless your daughters with a deeper relationship with Jesus.
    • Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for all women and for an end of abortion.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mary is full of grace…

Mary is full of grace…
At the moment of the Annunciation
(feast day we celebrate March 25th)

she says “yes” with an open heart to God’s will.

Let us walk with Mary during this time…

and praying with Mary,
I invite you to join with me and pray
for an unborn child and the mother…
and please spiritually adopt these precious
little ones during the next nine months…
Say this spiritual adoption prayer every day for nine months
to save a baby’s life! (by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen):

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much.
I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby
That I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.

Adoptive baby’s name:_____________
Spiritual Adoption Date: March 25th, 2012     
United in prayer,

For Your Marriage - Por Tu Matrimonio

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