I will open my arms and show you just how much...
Jesus tells me this as he stretches out his arms, and gives up his life on the Cross...for me!
When I think of a mother stretching out her arms for her children..I think of Mary and all the times she has appeared to children all over the world - with open arms - inviting them (and us) to pray, pray, pray...and to do as her son Jesus, asks us to do..."Love one another...as I love you..."
I'm also reminded of a time when I tried to hold my three little squirming nieces and nephew...when I wanted to pose for a candid photo. Yikes! That was not the best idea at the time, because with little ones there is little time for tranquil "posing"...the lively children want to be moving all the time (unless they are sleeping). How does a loving mother hold her precious ones safely in her arms at all times; when all the children want to do, is run in all directions?
We learn and teach obedience...We first learn to obey as a child who seeks to please mom and dad...
When we obey (as good little children do) we learn discipline, and how to make wise choices in life.
Today I wish to honor mothers everywhere. How special it is to be called mother...Whether we are a mother by nature or a mother in spirit (that includes every woman)...we are called to hold all God's precious children in our arms...from the first moment of life in the womb...until we give them back to God the Father in natural death.
Pray with me for all mothers and their children...May God's love embrace us all in His almighty arms!!! Amen.
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