And then this wise man compares patience with a strong city, saying that patience is even more secure than that - for patience is both an invincible weapon and a sort of impregnable tower, easily defeating all attackers. As a spark falling into the deep does not injure it but is easily quenched, so on a patient soul...whatever unexpected thing falls, it vanishes rapidly; the soul is not disturbed.
There is nothing as impenetrable as true patience. I pray for true patience...for
you, and for me.
People talk about strong armies, having a lot of money, building high walls to
protect them, or anything else whatsoever, but you will not name anything to
compare with true patience.
The person who is encompassed with all these 'other things' will sometimes
become overcome by anger, upset like a little child, fill the air with
confusion and storminess... but the patient person enjoys a profound calm,
like a boat settled quickly in a harbor. Even if you surround this person with
turmoil and trouble (literally, 'all hell can break loose around them'...) you
will not move the rock. Even if you hurl insults at them, you haven't
shaken the tower. And even if you bruise them with wounds, you haven't
bruised the strong person.
This sort of person is called long-suffering, because they have a kind
of long and great soul. This patient excellence is born out of LOVE. Whoever
possesses it and enjoys it owes it all to LOVE. These persons are gentle
souls...who are abandoned in the arms of God (God is LOVE)...
Who would you like to
I prefer to abandon my
will to God. I never wish for any harm to happen to you or anybody. Every
single day, I pray to forgive and be forgiven (in the name of the Lord). Please
pray for me...that I may love more and more each day...even when it means to be
given to the long suffering for the sake of LOVE.
If only you knew (and can experience) true love for the sake of will
become a stronger and more patient person - who many will look to for their own
strength and guidance. You must first forgive in your heart...really
forgive....not just with words...God knows our hearts much better that we
God bless you!!!
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