Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Gift of Silence

How can we choose silence in today’s world filled with noise from television, radio, traffic, music, conversations? It’s possible – it’s a choice! Consider a time in your daily schedule when there is less noise. Maybe it is early morning or late evening or during lunch time… Maybe you find silence when the children are sleeping… What do we benefit from silence? Personally, I become more aware of God’s presence, and I experience a profound peace in my heart.

Blessed Mother Teresa explains it well in a way that is called the Simple Path:
The fruit of silence is PRAYER.
The fruit of prayer is FAITH.
The fruit of faith is LOVE.
The fruit of Love is SERVICE.
The fruit of service is PEACE.
Spending time in silence with someone we love is a gift, perhaps greater than the best chocolates or beautiful flowers or any other gift. Gifting others with silence can be a time when one appreciates the other and experiences the inner beauty and goodness of that person… a time when we can experience the image of God in the other…Go for a silent walk with your spouse, or your child or a friend. Find a bench in the park or your backyard and enjoy simply being with each other without conversation or outside noise to distract your moment of silence with one another.

Consider giving the gift of silence to someone you love on this day. Begin the Summer Season by planning time for silence. Plan time for silence every single day, and you will reap greater rewards.
“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.”
– Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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